Is the Vegan Diet Crucial to Slowing Down Climate Change?
Unless you have lived at the bottom of the ocean, there is a very good chance that you have heard of global warming and climate change. With all of the research that has been done on the subject, it has become public opinion that the whole idea of climate change is in fact a real threat. Even though the majority of the population believes that climate change is happening, there is very little action being done about it from anyone.
However, in a recent report released in Norway by the EAT-Lancet Commission, it goes on to talk about eating a healthy diet, global warming, the conversation of different species, the health of the planet, and how they are all related to one another. It essentially has taken thousands of different studies that have been done and correlates them to both human, as well as planetary health.
While there are several warnings throughout the report, what makes it even more interesting is the fact that it also gives us a roadmap to follow in order to reverse the affects of climate change. This includes switching over to a plant based diet, which would mean having to double your consumption of nuts, legumes, vegetables and fruits, while simultaneously reducing your consumption of ‘junk’ foods such as red meat and sugar by over 50 percent. If the human race is able to do this, it will be able to prevent over 11 million deaths each and every year, according to the report that is. And to take it even further, the report also goes on to claim that emissions from livestock and other agriculture are at such high rates, by switching to a more plant based diet, there will be a huge impact to slowing climate change.
As you may have thought, the report was not necessarily well received by any of the media outlets, which some would even poke fun at some of the claims that were made. But worst of all was the global meat industry. They claimed that this report was way off base and that they got everything wrong. Essentially, they said ‘how dare anyone suggest that eating a diet that is high in red meat is unhealthy for you.’ This statement is the complete opposite of what thousands of different studies have concluded, which makes you think that the report might actually be on to something.
While ultimately what you believe is going to be up to you, if you think that there may be some truth behind what the report claims, there are a few things that you can do to help do your part. Mainly, you should limit your consumption of processed foods and meats. If you do so, you will not only be helping do your part to reduce climate change, but you will also become healthier, happier, and even feel fitter than you do right now. Not a bad deal right, get healthier and help slow the process of global warming? Sounds like a win-win.
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